Octava HDA31-UK 3x1 HDMI Switch + Audio

by Octava
Sold out
£169.43 GBP
£112.95 GBP
SKU 101672

Key Features

v1.3 Deep Colour Supported Full 6.75 Gbps with 3 HDMI inputs and 1 output with L/R Audio Out

Supports high resolution video 480p 720i/p 1080i/p with Clear EYETM design optimizes HDMI signal transmission

Easy to integrate with HDTV that only have DVI input also Works with HDMI or DVI-D HDCP-enabled HDTV

Energy Smart. Auto standby mode when HDTV turns OFF LED dimming control for ultimate viewing.

Easy to switch 3 HDMI or DVI-D sources to one display and Smart SCAN TM algorithm intelligently selects the correct input.Approved by Wives and Kids!


Do you have a HDTV with DVI only input? Now you can share your HDMI video sources and L/R Stereo Audio with a single HD monitor. This unique switch allows you to switch 3 HDMI video sources and L/R Stereo Audio to your HDTV. Perfect for systems where the HDTV has a DVI input for Video and L/R Audio inputs. Now available with V1.3 Full HD and Deep colour support. Our proprietary Clear EYETM transmission line and ISI reduction design will IMPROVE the digital video signals. Smart ScanTM algorithm intelligently selects the correct HDMI source so you can enjoy the program instead of fumbling with the remote. Approved by Wives and Kids! Learn more about HDMI switches: HDMI Switch: Insiders Guide Learn more about Octava Clear EYE HDMI switch HDMI is backward compatible with DVI-D. This switch will work with either DVI or HDMI. We understand that you may have a mixed system and require different cables. We allow you to choose the type of cable that you need during purchase. Share 3 HDMI and L/R Stero Audio HDTV

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